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Personalized PreK


PERSONALIZED curriculum that is age-appropriate. All learning objectives are personalized to each individual student. An all encompassing program that prepares students to enter kindergarten. The day includes teacher directed small groups, individual choice time, fine and large motor activities. 

Teacher to student ratio 6:1

Daily Schedule

8:30-8:45: Arrival and independent activities. 

8:45-9:00: Circle time/Calendar

9:00-9:30: Learning time, whole group

9:30-10:00: Learning time, independent

10:00-10:15: Snack & Break

10:15-11:15: Dramatic Play/Recess

11:15-11:30: Pack up for dismissal


Classes meet 4 days a week. Monday - Thursday

8:30-11:30 - 1/2 day option.

No transportation provided. 

Children must be entering Kindergarten 2024-2025. 

Full day option is available. Monday - Thursday. If interested in a full day program please contact the office. ​​

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